Reconsider Wallpaper and Wall Coverings

Have you seen wallpaper lately? It’s time to reconsider wallpaper and wall coverings. According to Better Homes & Gardens, it’s a trend that’s back in a big way. But forget what you remember about your great grandmother’s dining room. Today’s wallpaper styles are fresh, so you’re sure to find a pattern that appeals to your …
Incorporating Natural Elements in Design

The sight of green grass, flowers, crisp leaves blowing in the wind and falling snow are all reminders that nature is the most beautiful backdrop. It’s no wonder people want to bring a bit of the outdoors into their home decor. If so, consider incorporating natural elements in design. Flooring With so many patterns, species …
How to Hygge: Cozy Up to this Hot Decor Trend

Do you know how to hygge? Scandinavians do, and boy are they having a moment. Recently, Norway was rated first among 155 countries for happiness in the fifth annual United Nations’ World Happiness Report. Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland and the Netherlands followed. You can speculate as to why the people in these countries are so …